The Glimpse of the 21st century is here ! Buy GLIMPSE 21 now on VOD!
Glimpse 21 is coming soon on VOD ! BUY IT NOW !
« For the fun? For the money? Nah, for the pleasure pleasure honey! »
No more industrial porn! No more supermarket of sex!—This new Glimpse does however contain strong explicit scenes even though they have nothing to do with the sad industrial internet porn that relegates the mechanics of sex to crude functionalism.
In 2019 cinema has evolved to the stage where so called "normal" feature films are breaking new ground, enriching the narrative by including explicit scenes, directors such as Gaspar Noé, Lars von Trier, and John Cameron Mitchell, come to mind.
Glimpse is the alternative, The Third Way, here we are in the realm of contemporary art.

There exists a liberal theory that Art disinfects erotism of it’s erotic value, and becomes safe stamping it with the approval of an elitist culture. But the more cinematic arts of plotting, character development, production value, skillful casting, direction, film editing and music are used to shape explicit material, the more exciting, the more real it becomes.
In Glimpse we see an artistic expression as described by Angela Carter:
«…to use explicit material as part of the acceptance of the logic of a world of absolute license for all the genders and projecting a model of the way such a world might work…the total demystification of the flesh and the subsequent revelation, through the infinite modulation of the sexual act, of real relations of man and his kind….to reinstate sexuality as a primary mode of being rather than a specialized area of vacation from being ».
« If we could restore the context of the world to the embraces of these shadows then, perhaps we could utilize these activities to obtain a fresh perception of the world and, in some sense, transform it ».
We lift the veil to see just such revelations via film’s first and most prominent sequence, a young nude model on her way to work, we see her posing for various amateur photographers, her work day over and what will come next? We see her entering into a situation of the utmost surprise, a remote location, where she is methodically undressed by a stranger and mounted up on a cross of St. Andrew and …
Here the casting, characterization and direction is impeccable as well as the original music score including verses from Baudelaire’s «Poison». But most intriguing is that the «willing suspension of disbelief » that normally makes cinema narratives so compelling is itself notably suspended. Because now we are no longer in a fiction, this is the real and our attention drifts directly into a second & third degree, all eyes locked directly on this seemingly demure radiant girl, who is she? Why and how did she come to participate in this scene of such exquisite sexual intensity?…
Subversive and contemporary to say the least, after this new masterful, mellifluent demonstration (successfully explored for 20 years by the photo-filmmaker!) it is high time to bring the expression ‘The Third Way’ into the twenty-first tongue!